Saturday, April 17, 2010

Feeling blessed

So 8 out of 12 days of call are done! Woo-hoo! or WHOOT! as my friend C likes to say. It's been a busy and tiring week but also a good time for self-reflection. I have to say I am just feeling just blessed to be here and to have this opportunity. And yes, I know that sounds corny, but I genuinely do feel blessed. Coming here and choosing to do "locums" work could have been a diaster. For those of you that don't know, I actually took this job site unscene and only after having had 2 phone conversations with my boss, Dr. B. But man-oh-man, did I get lucky. Even while he has been gone this week, the staff in the office has been so incredibly supportive and protective of my time--shielding away inappropriate visits and helping me handle all the refills and paperwork that go with running a practice. The nurses and I even made some time to get out of the office and go to the "Market Barn"--a sort of tourist shop/deli at the edge of town for lunch. Don't worry, we took pics and I will post and the girls on a giant wooden tractor! Yes, it's a sight. Let me know if any of you would like me to send you some Adriondack maple syrup or honey! And just to conclude, this experience has just been great in terms of financially securing me, giving me a "break" from the craziness of NYC, and also some time to heal and to think and prioritize. And while lonely here, it's funny how life gives you just what you need sometimes...even if you didn't think you wanted or needed whatever it was to actually happen.

Anyway, from a clinical side of things I went to my first "scary" c-section delivery. A Mom with diabetes who was going for repeat C-section and who had polyhydramnios (meaning a lot of amionitic fluid!) went to the OR on Thursday & when they handed me the baby...she was limp, completely white in color and NOT breathing...and unlike most births I attend, she did not perk up within seconds! After much stimulation and a little bagging, she finally let out a big cry. It was probably the scariest minute and a half of my medical career thus far. As the OR nurse and I took the baby upstairs to the nursery, she leaned over to me and said, "Thanks for being so calm." And I let out a little laugh as I am pretty sure I was sweating through my scrubs the entire time. Other than that though, it has been a good and busy, but relatively diaster free week (knock on wood). I think I am really starting to like this good and clean medicine.

On the personal side of things, well...I did do something for the first time in years this week. I picked up a basketball and started shooting around at the Y. As I mentioned the Y here is actually in an old armory and they in fact, have a full court, old school traditional hard wood b-ball court inside. One night, I just couldn't resist shooting a few jumpers but a few minutes later, I look down and realize I am not alone. There was a couple of 8 and 9 year olds standing next to me. "Hey, you are kinda good. Mind if we shoot with ya?" Then, the next thing I know, I am getting absolutely destroyed in a game of "Around the World" by my new little friends...but I did teach them a thing or two about dribbling. Anyway, a couple of folks my own age also came over and asked if I'd like to play pick up this weekend. I'll let you know how that goes...Dr. Brenda is definitely a little rusty!

I guess I am also getting closer to figuring out what is to come next for me professionally...and I am starting to hear back from places that I have interviewed at in the last couple of months. I/they should be coming to a decision in the next 2-3 weeks. Then it will all be about apartment shopping! If anyone knows of a great 2-bedroom in West Village coming available this summer, please drop me a line. For now, enjoy the weekend folks; hope it's not raining where you are!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

the countdown begins

The past couple of weeks have been hectic as you might have guessed from the infrequency of my blog posts. But things are just really starting to heat up as Dr. B and his family are planning to leave me with the practice for 11 days starting this Saturday! In preparation for their departure and also to blow off a little steam, I decided to take a long weekend in NYC. And while seeing friends is always great, the city is just down right exhausting and left me just contemplating if the move back will be the right next step for me. Anyway, here was the schedule for the weekend and some funny things that happened along the way.

6 AM wake up-shower--round in the nursery
8 to 5:30 pm: office time--seeing patients!
5:30 to 6:30pm: PACK
6:30 to 12:30 AM: DRIVE DOWN (with quick stop to fix make-up!)
12:45 AM: Bar #1....hello Standard Hotel--met up with a "friend"...proceed to celebrate trip with a round of champagne (or maybe 2 or 3)...head to Corner Bistro for late night burgers--big YUM!
3:30: SLEEP finally!!!!

11ish: meet up with soon-to-be roomie and broker-->see tiny, over-priced apartment in west village, am a little discouraged re: housing market, but it's a beautiful day in NY!
1:30 PM: Afternoon drinks at Soho House (Thank you A both for getting me in and also for introducing me to "DANNIJO"--loved their stuff and purchased some "baubles"
3 PM: late lunch at outdoor cafe and walk on Highline-->see "friend" from last night skipping down street holding hands with another "friend" of his...hmm...guess we aren't such good "friends" after all ;) No biggie though, it's not like we were "exclusive" as he so casually reminds me...*sigh*..."You are right big man and now, we will never be"...Dating in NY is TOUGH!!!!!
6 PM: Drive to see Wilco with future roomie and friends! While I have never seen Wilco before or really even listened to their music, am blown away at their ability to play for 3 hours straight! Though roomie is convinced that I am a "sport" for getting through the whole show, I actually loved every minute of it; especially when the band stopped mid-way through show and brought out couches and lamps to kick-it living room style and play an acoustic set! WOW!

11ish: Breakfast on roof of friends' building (T--thx for grilling, you are a rockstar)
1: see apt; LONG walk around West Village in short sleeves & sunglasses
3:30 Meet up with good girly friend "N" for lattes (ok, hot cocoa for me) and gossip
5:30 to 8 SHOP till I drop b/c lord knows, I can only go to the Walmart in Malone!
9 PM: Dinner at my favorite restaurant in NY...great and the menu changes daily. We sat only a few tables away from Katie Couric. Check it out if I haven't already dragged you there:
12-3 Drinks and conversation with 2 of my favorite NY guy friends. Mr M--you are divine & I feel so blessed to have made your acquaintance. Mr G--you + me=great talks, exchange of honest love advice, and perhaps some late night sonnet swapping; thanks for letting me crash on your couch!

Easter in CT with friends (G--your French toast was delicious!) and then 6.5 hours in the car back while listening to some CDs a very good friend of mine has made me (Thanks R--love the William Fitzsimmons if you are reading this).

Ok, so action packed right? But its funny...while I had a great time, I am also pleased to get back to my usual work week routine. Up early, see patients all day, hit up the "Y", and then go to the super Walmart to get groceries and chat with my favorite cashier. (Yes, I am a regular and the night time cashier and I are friends.) And I's Walmart...they are the "devil"...well, listen--put it aside, you can't go wrong in a town like this. The Walmart even as a hitching post so the Amish can come and "park" their buggies!

So what's the deal, right? Am I really a city girl? Or do I really just like a little balance? And its weird....the medicine here is good as in really good clean medicine. Over the past 2 days, sure I have seen ear infections and sore throats...but I have also worked up diffuse lymphadenopathy (and pray it's not a leukemia or lymphoma), cat scratch disease, shingles, failure to thrive...and talked to a Mom about benefits of cloth diapers vs disposables--this Mom definitely taught me a thing or two . And I genuinely like everyone in the office...isn't this the way it is supposed to be? I finish most days, with at least a 30 minute conversation with my boss...sometimes its just to talk about life and sometimes its just to discuss cases. Can you believe he actually introduced me to a cool band last week? "Pink Martini" (!!! I can't fathom any of the doctors I worked for at my last group introducing me to a cool band, but maybe that's what makes this time and this place so important and great for me, right? Now the key will be to find a place where I am as excited as I am now to go to work everyday!

Wonder if I could just convince everyone here to come and help me open a practice in Brooklyn!?

More this is the long stretch folks...15 day off! Man I am going to need to check into a spa! BTW: stay blog will have more philosophy and politics and less rambling!